“best month of collections in 27 years”
“HUGE increase in our close rates”
“Best Coaching Money Can Buy”
Clinic Masters Coaching is About Results Here’s What Doctors Have to Say…
Before Clinic Masters: Depending on insurance, stuck to an adjusting table for peanuts and trying to make up the shortfall with volume. After Clinic Masters: Add AT LEAST $50,000 A Month In CASH Collections on treatment paid in advance, record collections months, With A STAFF DRIVEN PROTOCOL – That Gives You More Free Time Than Ever
It's totally free and there is NO sales pitch, just a chat about you and your business to work out if or how we can help you.

Dr. Jeff Lavell, D.C.
Maplewood, MN

Wichita Falls, TX
Life Changing Stories
Member Testimonials
Huge Increase in Close-Rates for High Fee Cash Programs
Clinic Masters has taught me the importance of timing with my ROF’s. I was getting folks in, but my close-rate wasn’t that good. Clinic Masters recommended several changes, which I made, and we saw a HUGE increase in our close rates for high case fee cash programs.
Clinic Masters scripting is excellent! They flow well and make the patient motivated to start care.
Clinic Masters has the highest ethics and wants you to succeed but wants you to do it in a morally and ethical way. It’s not always about numbers and money, it’s about doing right for the patient and he shares that with you. It’s indeed possible to have both, and that was of the highest importance to me.
I highly recommend Clinic Masters for your coaching. They speak from experience. They get it! They will show you the way to do it through experience, not just talk!

Maplewood, MN

Dr. Jeff Lavell, D.C. –
Maplewood, MN
Best Coaching Money Can Buy

Lockhart, TX
Our new clinic, using only neuropathy and decompression, collected more in the first 3 weeks of being open than I’ve ever collected in an entire month of being a chiropractor!
Thanks Clinic Masters for the best coaching money can buy. Looking forward to learning and growing.

Lockhart, TX
From $50k / Month – To Over $90k / Month
When we started with Dr. Rob, we had hit a ceiling of around $50k a month. Our goal was to add more value to the practice, without doubling our patient load. Dr. Rob helped us incorporate new protocols and procedures to increase our variety of services, and our collections, while helping different types of cases.
It was great learning from doctors who are in practice, and not giving you advice from experience twenty years ago.
Results have been outstanding. We grew from $50k/month collections, to $90k/month while seeing FEWER patients.
And, we have hit over $120k/month on occasion.

Wichita Falls, TX

Wichita Falls, TX